Super Nintendo SNES
LoROM cartridge connector pinout
HiROM cartridge connector pinout
8/16-bit Mask ROM's pinout
S-RAM 16KBits (2KB) pinout
S-RAM 64KBits (8KB) pinout
S-RAM 256KBits (32KB) pinout
S-RAM 512KBits (64KB) pinout
S-RAM 1024KBits/1Mbit (128KB) pinout
Mobile S-RAM 8KB connected together with battery
LoROM<-->HiROM ROM type switch
S-RAM memory chip switch (multi-sram)
How to connect EPROMs to 16bit SNES data bus
Reset IC MM1026/6129A/6162 (SRAM)
Prepare ROM file for write to EPROM/FLASH
How to easy remove ROM chip from cart board without desoldering
How to modify cart for work with EPROM's
How to connect 74LS139 to MAD-1
How to connect one EPROM to cart (very simple eprom-cart)
How to connect four EPROM's 27C080/27C801 to cart
How to connect six EPROM's 27C080/27C801 to cart #1
How to connect six EPROM's 27C080/27C801 to cart #2
Best method to put many EPROMS inside the cart
SNES cart hacking info
SNES cartridge reader pinout (project - not tested yet)
How to modifi 2KB SRAM cart to 8KB SAVE
Connect 16-bit EPROM/FLASH memory to SNES 8bit bus (not tested jet!)
Connect EPROMS and SRAM to S-DD1 SFA2 cart (project! work with problems)
Connect EPROM and SRAM to SA1 PGA TOUR GOLF cart
27c801 EPROM programmer project
Example SNES common carts list (good carts to modifi)
Detailed SNES carts list (over 3600 carts list)
Many SNES carts PCB photos
MAD-1 address decoder pinout
74LS139 address decoder pinout (four outputs)
74LS139 decoder spec.
74LS138 address decoder pinout (eight outputs)
74LS138 decoder spec.
74LS00 decoder spec.
S-DD1 data decompression chip pinout
S-DD1 cart photo (Mask ROM is removed)
SPC7110 data decompression chip pinout
SPC7110 chip and ROM's pinouts (RTF)
SPC7110 cart photo (Mask ROM's are removed)
Capcom C4 (CX4) chip pinout
GSU-2 (SuperFX2) chip pinout
GSU-2 (SuperFX2) 32KB RAM cart photo (Mask ROM is removed)
SA-1 cart photo (Mask ROM is removed)
SA-1 other cart photo (Mask ROM is removed)
GSU-2 SP1 (SuperFX2 SP1) chip pinout
29F032 32megabit/4MB TSOP40->DIP36 SNES adapter
29F032 willem adapter scheme
LoROM Develop Cart 1MB+8KB SRAM (2x 29C040)
HiROM Develop Cart 2MB+8KB SRAM (2x 27C080)
Finished SNES EPROM cart example - LoROM 2MB
Finished SNES EPROM cart example - HiROM 4MB
Finished SNES EPROM cart example - LoROM 1,5MB
Finished SNES EPROM cart example - HiROM 2,5MB
Finished SNES EPROM cart example - HiROM 3MB
Finished SNES EPROM cart example - LoROM 1MB
Finished SNES EPROM cart example - HiROM 6MB